SeMua nie aq tulis just for having some fun...Enjoice yew rakan2 semua

Blog ni aq ciptakan hanya untuk meluahkan ekspresi perasan aq..I'm just only a diploma student that studies in UPMkb..So,kalau blog nie nampak bodoh, tgok la sape yg tulis..Har Har Har..

Thursday, 22 September 2011

its my first time lorrr..

ok guy,this is my first time for me to wrote an entry in english..i'm not very good in english writing but i'm still capable to talk in english fluently..maybe i have suffered an chronic brain't uses of english languages are very important in our life?? yess it does..i'm stil remember how stupid i was when there was a German's guy want to ask me a question and i did'nt understand anything that came from his mouth and suddently i think,"bodoh celaka aq nie..bahasa enggeriss pon x paham".. since that,i alway trying to improve my communication in english...but, most of my friends don't give a shit about talking in english and they always said that we need to "martabatkan" bahsa ibunda sendiri..HELL no!!! i'm think this skill is very important because when our ages has reaching a working line era,we must have an outstanding communication skill during an work's enterview..nowdays,nobody give a shit about us if we don't make ourself glittering between thousand of graduates.. i'm still hoping that i would improving my english in the future...sorry la guys klau ko x paham ape yg aq pon sendiri pening nk bace..Kbye..:)